Apply Now for the Gill Parry Best Practice in PE Award!

Andy SprakeUncategorised

Do you work in Physical Education? Should your achievements be recognised and celebrated? If so, click here to nominate yourself or a colleague for The Gill Parry Award for Best Practice in Physical Education 2024.

The Award is open to individuals or teams working in Physical Education. We have three Best Practice awards available to:

(1) Primary School
(2) Secondary School
(3) Special School.
It is also open to any group of people who have worked together on a successful physical education-related project or case study.  It will celebrate best practice in Physical Education settings and the evidence for the award may be related to any of the following categories:
  1. High-Quality Physical Education – across the school
  2. Innovative Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Physical Education (e.g., curriculum development, cross-curricular links and whole-school initiatives)
  3. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  4. Physical Education beyond the curriculum
  5. Physical Education links with the community
  6. Physical Education Advocacy (e.g., about the role of PE in supporting pupils’ holistic development)
  7. Improving life chances of ‘at risk’ students through Physical Education
  8. Digital Pedagogies in Physical Education
  9. Continuing Professional Development
  10. Leadership and/or Management
  11. International Links