EUROPEAN SCHOOL SPORT DAY 27th September 2019: register your school here! What if every child could #BeActive in school with sport and play? What if every school took one day to celebrate sport in Europe? Could it help students to kick-off a lifetime of health? We say YES. Join us. WHY? THE FACTS Plenty of research shows that #Being active makes … Read More
New Ofsted inspection framework
Ofsted’s new framework for inspection has been published, which sets out the principles and main judgements that inspectors make. It applies from September 2019 and you can access the framework here.
Draft school curriculum for Wales published
The draft of the new curriculum has been unveiled, in what has been called a “major milestone” in the biggest reform to Welsh schools in decades. Of particular interest is the disbanding of specific subjects and the introduction of a thematic approach, with Health and Wellbeing as one of the central areas of learning and experience. (Source: BBC, 2019).
Primary PE and Sport Premium 2019-2020
The Department for Education have confirmed that a total of £320 million will be afforded to primary schools in England for the purpose of enhancing the quality of PE and Sport provision. Will your department be making revisions to the way in which the money is spent?