The NWCPEA 2017 Conference will take place on Friday 10th November in Manchester. The conference is aimed at both Primary and Secondary Teachers of Physical Education and will include both theoretical and practical workshops as well as Keynote speakers.
Please share the attached flyer with your department, cluster or MAT and let’s work together to move Physical Education forward!
More information coming soon!
One Comment on “SAVE THE DATE – NWCPEA 2017 Conference!”
Hi There, Martine Bradford at Skylight Circus Arts in Rochdale here
I’ve had an email via Ron Beadle about your event and an interest in possibly booking a practical circus skills workshop to enhance the Physical Literacy focus. Skylight Circus Arts is a circus school in Rochdale north of Manchester that has been delivering circus tuition and projects for 28 years . I met Ron at a youth circus educators conference in Cardiff 2 years ago where physical literacy and circus skills was a big focus and exploration including presentations and workshops. Skylight has worked extensively in the field of youth circus development and I am aware of physical literacy and circus skills development in Wales. Really interested from a personal and company point of view and would be delighted to deliver a circus skills workshop at your event on 10th November.
please contact me if you would like to discuss
kind regards
Martine Bradford
Creative Director
Skylight Circus Arts 01706650676