NWCPEA attend the EUPEA Forum in Glasgow, 2016

Andy SprakeNews1 Comment

In November 2016, Andy Sprake attended the EUPEA Forum in Glasgow on behalf of the NWCPEA. The theme for the Forum was “Learning, teaching and assessment in physical education to ensure a progressive, coherent, quality learning experience”.

Representatives from across Europe shared details of their ongoing research in physical education, including issues relating to an intended, realised and achieved curriculum, issues in primary physical education, updates on the forthcoming European Framework of Quality PE, as well as a comprehensive overview of the purpose and position of physical education in Scotland, highlighting the mantra “Excellence and Equity”. As part of the Forum, EUPEA and NWCPEA members were also invited to the National Conference for SATPE (the Scottish Association of Teachers of Physical Education) which was attended by over 400 physical education teachers from across Scotland. Overall, this was a thriving weekend containing positive discussions for future directions of physical education across Europe.

I would like express appreciation of the warm welcome and hospitality of EUPEA members, SATPE and Education Scotland. We look forward to seeing you all again in October 2017, when the NWCPEA host the EUPEA Forum in Manchester!

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