KS1 Activity - Underarm Throw

The aim of this activity is to master the fundamental movement skill of throwing under arm and to improve accuracy and technique!

Start by downloading the Activity Brochure, then watch the demonstration video below.

Download Activity Brochure (PDF)

Skill Challenge: Bin It!

How quick can you throw the objects into the bin?

You will need:

A small bin or box
10 scrunched up pieces of paper, small balls or rolled up socks
A stopwatch/phone

1. Place you bin or box in the centre of your room, yard or garden
2. Take 3 big steps back from the bin
3. How many objects can you get into the box or bin in 30 seconds?
4. See if you can beat your first attempt
5. See if you can beat your parent, carer or sibling

Watch the video demonstration below!

Are you finished?

Remember to track your progress on your Activity Worksheet so it counts towards your 120 minutes of activity, then go back and choose another activity!

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